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A Message From Singer Industrial CEO, Craig Osborne

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Last week our Louisiana team experienced a true disaster with Hurricane Ida. First of all, we are fortunate that all employees are safe and accounted for.  Our team in Louisiana is a group of truly amazing and resilient people.  Some have been working extra time to check-in, protect and take care of company property, even though their own property has been damaged.  Our people have incurred water and wind damage to homes, cars, and many other personal possessions. For many, this past Labor Day weekend was most likely not spent at a barbecue, but instead was spent working on a dry place to live and picking through possessions to salvage pieces of their pre-hurricane lives.

Many of you have asked how they can help those fellow employees in need.  As you may know, The SBP OnGuard Foundation was created as a tax beneficial tool (Tax ID/EIN and receipt will be provided) for contributors to help SBP employees that have already given us so much. If you would like to contribute to help the 25+ directly impacted employees begin to rebuild their homes and lives, please find the link below.  SBP is donating $35,000 and will match any employee contributions in excess of that amount.  Collectively we will come together in the days and weeks ahead to support those impacted by the storm because no one in this organization should feel alone in times such as this.

Thank you,

[vc_text_separator title=”IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE”]Any donations given to the OnGuard Foundation are going right to the families that need it the most. Please utilize the button below to visit our dedicated OnGuard Foundation Venmo account. If you prefer, you can also send a check to the following address:

SBP OnGuard Foundation

10704 Composite Dr

Dallas, Texas   75220

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